Nacionālās tiesību sistēmas un ES tiesības: realitāte un nākotnes izaicinājumi salīdzinošā perspektīvā
Systemata legalia nationalia et ius Unionis Europae: praesentia et provocationes futuras in prospectu comparativo
In the modern world, a country whose national legal system functions in total separation from the influence of and interaction with the legal systems of other countries is inconceivable. At the same time, national legal systems are influenced by and, in many cases, their regulatory framework is determined by international law, in particular, the law of the European Union in the case of European countries. Therefore, the research of national law both from the vantage point of the current situation and from the vantage point of future challenges is especially important from the comparative aspect in order to identify the possible improvements of the national legal system of each country. These aspects need to be clarified in order to anticipate effective and sustainable solutions not only for the existing problematic situations but also to proactively develop solutions for issues expected in the future, which can be facilitated by the framework of comparative perspective.
In order to discuss these issues from various perspectives (including public law and private law, international and national level), the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia invites you to its anniversary, the 10th, international conference, which will be held on November 6-7, 2025 in Riga. A plenary session and separate sections are planned during the conference, which will be held either on-site or remotely. The working language of the conference is English.