Participation fee: 150 EUR

The participation fee includes preparation of conference materials, preparation of the poster presentation, a copy of the collection of conference articles.

Participation fee: 200 EUR

The participation fee includes publication of the article, preparation of the poster presentation and conference materials, a copy of the collection of conference articles.

Students and other interested, that would like to attend the conference as a listener and not receive the copy of the compendium of papers, do not have to pay the participation fee.

Please transfer your fee by 8 October, 2023.

For transfers:

Latvijas Universitāte (University of Latvia)

Reg. No: 90000076669

The Ministry of Education and Science Register of Educational Establishments Reg. No.: 3391000218

VAT Reg. No: LV90000076669

For payments in euro:

Luminor Bank AS Latvijas filiāle
IBAN: LV10RIKO0000082414423


Please state "JF 9th International Scientific Conference" as the reason for the transfer.